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Erschienen am 16.01.2014 um 10:29 Uhr
It is available as a single disc, a double disc DVD or a double disc Blu-ray. But, here we review the 2 – disc edition of Iron Man 2008, which is an engaging super hero movie to begin with. The film itself is technically sound and well-executed and the widescreen-only Ultimate 2-Disc Edition does justice to this fine film in all respects, making it excellent for home viewing.
The Ultimate 2 disc edition of Iron Man 2008 is an awesome presentation, thanks to the anamorphic widescreen format. If you have a huge screen at home, so much the better for your viewing experience. The Dolby Digital 5.1 sound adds to the excitement of this high action movie, making for great audio experience. Dialogues are quite clear throughout the movie except for some of the high action scenes where they lose out to the other sound mix. The picture quality of the Iron Man 2008 DVD movie wholesale is excellent, especially considering the dark scenes during the initial stages of the film. Needless to say, the special effects in the film are terrific and keep you at the edge of your seats.
Iron Man DVD 2008 comes with a lot of extras and a classy package with a cut-out cardboard slipcover that reveals Tony Stark's glowing chest piece. The extra features include a few deleted scenes as well as some extended scenes from the film. A fifty seconds preview of the Nicktoons animated series, "Iron Man: Armored Adventures" is also one of the extras you'll find in the Movies DVDs supplier. Trailers from Star Trek, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and The Incredible Hulk are included in the "Previews" feature.
An almost two-hour long documentary feature clip depicting the making of Iron Man is perhaps the most interesting extra that you'll find in the Iron Man Wholesale movies DVD. This feature is thoroughly enjoyable as you get a feel of how the movie itself was made. Various aspects of the movie making process are revealed – like how the armor was selected, evaluation of sound mixing and editing, managing the stunts and pyrotechnics, opening titles, etc. – making you a part of this exciting film that is Iron Man.
The Invincible Iron Man: 6-Part History of the Hero can be viewed as a documentary feature. Artists, editors and writers involved in the project give their perception and contributions for this film. A 27-minutes feature, Wired: The Visual Effects of Iron Man has technicians and crew of the film discussing and explaining the techniques for the visual effects used in the film.
A 6-minute piece showing Robert Downey Jr. Screen Test is next in line which is followed by a 4-minute candid video "The Actor's Process" showing some of the actors staging and rehearsing a film scene.
Also included in the Iron Man 2008 Wholesale DVD movie is the Onion News feature that discusses the well received trailer of Iron Man on a hilarious note. The last extra feature includes still photo galleries that showcase a series of designs and drawings for the film.
The Iron Man DVD 2008 2-disc edition pretty much provides solid entertainment and theater experience in the comforts of home, with lots of extra features for the die hard movie fans.
Dennis Perez
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