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Erschienen am 07.02.2014 um 10:10 Uhr
Are you an entrepreneur or a business executive looking for a Business Brokers that is committed to offering services that go beyond the ordinary? Excel BBS is propelled by the desire to stand out in what we do. We give our clients satisfaction first priority. We specialise in a variety of niches, thanks to many years of experience in service business for sale.
We represent you to secure the best pact for your business auction in Australia. Excel BBS assures professional business for sale service. We are masters of business secrets to a successful deal and long lasting relationships between an investor and entrepreneur. A transparent transaction or process is the lifeblood of obtaining a legal business. We provide a well-detailed report containing financial statement, business registration, and company structure.
Excel BBS regularly updates their clientele on the achieved progress on the sale of your business. We will represent you as our client until we find a potential and devoted buyer. We will rank your business on market listing at the top through social media, Google and other Internet information sources. Our internet exposure through commercial and Business Broker Victoria portals effectively tap potential bidders locally and internationally.
Excel BBS has trained, skilled and Business Valuation Experts who are in a position to deal with banks, accountants, state or local authorities, landlords and lawyers. The negotiators deal with the above stated professionals on your behalf until the deal is finalised. They are fully equipped with understanding of business selling associated complexities.
Our team conducts a peer reviewed research to get realistic market value from solid business sales data to enable you to sell your business at a reasonable price. We have almost all Australia’s business listings so that we can keep in touch with buyers interested in owning a business. We believe successful business sale does not “just happen” but we make them triumphant.
We provide marketing and managerial services to hospitality business for sale which includes cafe, restaurant, groceries, food courts and hotels. We have a well-maintained database that will match with clients who are interested in your type of industry or business you own. We advertise and spread the word of your business to the world on your behalf to your target audience.
Excel BBS has a well updated distribution business for sale listings. Every time a business buyer searches for a Distribution business for sale, you get a generated list of businesses for sale plus contact information and other details.
If you are thinking of selling your distribution and hospitality business, contact us today for professional business for sale services. You are guaranteed to secure a profitable and rewarding deal from Excel Business Broking Services Victoria in Australia.
Excel BBS
Level 1- 543 Warrigal Road
3147 Victoria
03 9885 5331
+61 3 9885 5332
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